Friday, February 19, 2010

God: new evidence

Thanks to Clayboy for drawing my attention to this new website God: new evidence which examines ways in which modern cosmology may point to the reality of a creator. They seem to have some interesting contributors including John Polkinghorne.

Looks pretty interesting although the style is predictable nerdy (check the bow tie).

P.S. I've changed the video here to the second one in the series, 'cos the first one was basically just the boffins introducing themselves.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Testing Testing

Just trying out rss2twitter as a way of automatically posting the rss feed from this blog to twitter. I'm also going to use it to publish the rss feed of My Delicious bookmarks. So there.
The Delicious feed seems to be working ok, but not this one. Looks like I can do it from within feedburner, so I'll try that instead.