Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Revolution Will Be Blogged

Well, after my 40 day Lent blogging session I decided to give myself a week off (blogging that is). I enjoyed the daily blogging on the whole, but towards the end it became a bit of a chore. Now I'll revert to just blogging when I feel like it, so back to once a month then.

I have started my work with Prof. John Hull and I'm finding it both fascinating and rewarding. It's only basic office work but he is an amazing guy to be around.
I've started my next essay which is on whether people can find salvation in other faiths. I have been re-reading Lesslie Newbigin's "The Gospel in a Pluralist Society which is just awesome. Found a website with a ton more Newbigin stuff here. Link added.

The blogging phenomen just continues to grow, and some authoritarian governments are getting worried about it according to the BBC

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