Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Lent Day 14

Went to 'meeting place' tonight, it was a lot less hectic than last week. Did a bit of a 'talkey bit' about Jesus healing the man at the pool of Bethesda. Seemed to go across ok. Spent quite a bit of time with a guy who I've got to know reasonably well. I'll call him Ali. Ali is an asylum seeker from Iran. Actually he's a failed asylum seeker in that he's claimed asylum twice and has been refused, and has no more appeals. This means he could officially be detained at any time and forcibly deported I guess. In the mean time he gets no support, has no status, cannot work and is pretty much destitute. I cannot imagine what it is like to be in his position, sleeping out every night in the freezing cold, the snow and the rain. Separated from family and friends, no job and not a penny to his name. Ali, like most Iranians I have met, is gentile, polite, generous and patient. He doesn't complain and has a quiet determination and a hope that his situation will turn around one day. He is a Shia muslim with a strong faith. We talk a lot about God and Jesus and the world and war and peace and stuff. I wish I could help him more.
Father, I lift Ali up to you. I pray you will provide for him and protect him. You know what's best for him. Reveal Isa to him and help him to follow Him. Give me wisdom to know how best to be his friend. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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